- Awake and Away (v0.1.1 Windows).zip 23 MB. Awake and Away (v0.1.1 Mac OS X).zip 26 MB. Log in with itch.io to leave a comment.
- Previously posted menubar app Caffeine can keep your Mac from falling asleep for a set amount of time, but if you want to control sleep yourself, through the OS X Terminal, you can do so very.
Want more videos like this? For new content! Ken's Tech Misadventu. 4 ways to keep your Mac awake. March 15, 2020 by Sebastian Leave a Comment. By default if you haven’t used your Mac for a while the computer will go to sleep, however if you are watching a long video or referencing a document you might want it to stay awake indefinitely. There are a few options to achieve this, read on to find out.
Find and Replace text within file(s)
Pattern-directed scanning and processing language.
The basic function of awk is to search files for lines (or other units of text) that contain a pattern.
When a line matches, awk performs a specific action on that line.
Suppose we have a file in which each line is a name followed by a phone number. Let's say the file contains the line 'Audrey 5550164.'
In AWK, the first field is referred to as $1, the second as $2 and so on.
So an AWK program to retrieve Audrey's phone number is:
awk '$1 'Audrey' {print $2}' numbers.txt
which means if the first field matches Audrey, then print the second field.
In awk, $0 is the whole line of arguments.
Awk scans each input file for lines that match any of a set of patterns specified literally in prog or in one or more files specified as -f progfile. With each pattern there can be an associated action that will be performed when a line of a file matches the pattern.
Each line is matched against the pattern portion of every pattern-action statement; the associated action is performed for each matched pattern.
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The file name - means the standard input.
Any file of the form var=value is treated as an assignment, not a filename, and is executed at the time it would have been opened if it were a filename.
An input line is normally made up of fields separated by white space, or by regular expression FS. The fields are denoted $1, $2, ..., while $0 refers to the entire line. If FS is null, the input line is split into one field per character. To compensate for inadequate implementation of storage management, the -mr option can be used to set the maximum size of the input record, and the -mf option to set the maximum number of fields.
A pattern-action statement has the form pattern { action }
A missing { action } means print the line; a missing pattern always matches.
Pattern-action statements are separated by newlines or semicolons.
An action is a sequence of statements. A statement can be one of the following:
Statements are terminated by semicolons, newlines or right braces. An empty expression-list stands for $0. String constants are quoted ' ', with the usual C escapes recognized within. Expressions take on string or numeric values as appropriate, and are built using the operators + - * / % ^ (exponentiation), and concatenation (indicated by white space).
The operators ! ++ -- += -= *= /= %= ^= >>= < <= != ?: are also available in expressions. Variables can be scalars, array elements (denoted x[i]) or fields. Variables are initialized to the null string. Array subscripts can be any string, not necessarily numeric; this allows for a form of associative memory.
Multiple subscripts such as [i,j,k] are permitted; the constituents are concatenated, separated by the value of SUBSEP.
The print statement prints its arguments on the standard output (or on a file if >file or >>file is present or on a pipe if cmd is present), separated by the current output field separator, and terminated by the output record separator. file and cmd can be literal names or parenthesized expressions; identical string values in different statements denote the same open file. The printf statement formats its expression list according to the format (see printf). The built-in function close(expr) closes the file or pipe expr. The built-in function fflush(expr)flushes any buffered output for the file or pipe expr.
The `function' getline sets $0 to the next input record from the current input file; getline <file sets $0 to the next record from file. getline x sets variable x instead.
Finally, cmd getline pipes the output of cmd into getline; each call of getline returns the next line of output from cmd.
In all cases, getline returns 1 for a successful input, 0 for end of file, and -1 for an error.
Patterns are arbitrary Boolean combinations (with ! &&) of regular expressions and relational expressions. Regular expressions are as in egrep; see grep.
Isolated regular expressions in a pattern apply to the entire line. Regular expressions can also be used as a regular expression, except in the position of an isolated regular expression in a pattern.
A pattern can consist of two patterns separated by a comma; in this case, the action is performed for all lines from an occurrence of the first pattern though an occurrence of the second.
A relational expression is one of the following:
Where a relop is any of the six relational operators in C, and a matchop is either ~ (matches) or !~ (does not match). A conditional is an arithmetic expression, a relational expression, or a Boolean combination of these.
The special patterns BEGIN and END can be used to capture control before the first input line is read and after the last. BEGIN and END do not combine with other patterns.
Variable names with special meanings:
Print the Row Number (NR), then a dash and space ('- ') and then the first item ($1) from each line in samplefile.txt:
$ awk '{print NR '- ' $1 }' samplefile.txt
Print the first item ($1) and then the third last item $(NF-2) from each line in samplefile.txt:
$ awk '{print $1, $(NF-2) }' samplefile.txt
Comparison with grep:
Using grep Dec against the following file listing would return all 3 rows as it matches text in different places:
-rw-r--r-- 7 simon simon 12043 31 Jan 2010 09:36 December.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 3 simon simon 1024 01 Dec 2010 11:59 README
-rw-r--r-- 3 simon simon 5096 14 Nov 2010 18:22 Decision.txt
Running awk '$7 'Dec'against the same file listing, $7 matches the exact field (column 7 = Month) so it will list only the December file:
$ ls -l /tmp/demo awk '$7 'Dec'
Print lines longer than 72 characters:
“When the Last of the Great Auks Died, It Was by the Crush of a Fisherman’s Boot” ~ Samantha Galasso (Smithsonian)
Related macOS commands:
AWK Help page - Brian Kernighan.
AWK tutorial and introduction - Bruce Barnett.
GNU Awk User Guide - Full guide with examples.
Learn By Example - AWK text processing.
Patrick Hartigan - How to use awk.
Gregable - Why you should know just a little Awk.
awk one liners - Eric Pement.
awk one liners explained & pt2 - Peteris Krumin (CatOnMat.net)
expr - Evaluate expressions.
for - Loop, expand words, and execute commands.
grep - Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.
tr - Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters.
Equivalent Windows command: FOR - Conditionally perform a command several times.
Some rights reserved
Hello everybody !
This past few days have been crazy for me !
I would like to start first by saying a big thanks to all the people who played Awake and those who have made video about it.
I've always liked making things and one of my life goal was to make a game that peoples would enjoy.
It was always a big struggle for me to finish a project and Awake is the first true project that i was able to finish
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and seeing people play it on YouTube, enjoyed it, be scared, it really has been a weird but awesome feeling.
Now let's talk about the future !
Awake Itch Krone Mac Os X
I'm currently working on a new horror game.
It will be a bigger release, Awake was developed in one week, this will take a longer time.
I want to keep the same concept than Awake, telling a 'slice of life/horror' of multiples people.
I'll keep the details for now, i don't want to start talking about things that might not be in the final release ahah !
But i will share the first screenshots soon enough.
You can follow my twitter https://twitter.com/TheKronde
I hope you'll all be able to play the next game and i hope you will also enjoy it.
Thank you for the support and stay tuned !