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Animal Crossing: New Horizonshas been out for over three months now. In that time, you might’ve learned some things about yourself as you poured hours into playing the game. But your love has grown old. When you walk past a bidet and the lid whooshes up, you don’t let out a small laugh like you used to. You no longer find it cute every time Tammy the bear cub ends a sentence with “ya heard?!” You just want to fly Tammy to another island and leave her there.
So, if you’ve been ready to give Tom Nook a swirly in that bidet for a few weeks now, some good news for you: There are games out there like Animal Crossing that aren’t Animal Crossing. From The Sims to Stardew Valley, here’s a list of the best, which will have you scratching that check-the-game-every-day itch that your Tamagotchi first gave you. Ya heard?