Please make a selection to search: Location Detail Parameters. Business Group:. Following conclusion of the Tubarao Martelo farm-in and the acquisition of the FPSO OSX-3 in August 2020, PetroRio has informed that it renamed the FPSO to Bravo. The transaction allows for the tie-back between the Tubarao Martelo and the Polvo fields, which will simplify the production system and create a cluster, while enabling synergies, lifting cost reductions, and extension of the life of fields. . The FPSO was to operate under charter ‘in Brazil’ for 20 years and should not be treated as a ‘mobile’ asset and the law of the site where the FPSO is located should apply (new form of lex situs). Motion to reconsider decision dismissed in June 2016. Appeal to Superior Court of Justice in Brasilia is pending. OSX 3 case details. The FPSO OSX-2 is an internal turret moored system and will be located at the extreme South of the Campos Basin in 135m water depth and the FPSO OSX-3 is an external turret moored system and will be located in the Southern region of Campos Basin in 105m water depth. Both systems will gather the oil production from satellites wells and a.
- FPSO Berantai– Keppel Shipyard and Petrofac completed their first conversion project. The yard’s work scope on the vessel was refurbishment, life extension and upgrading.
- FPSO OSX-1- It was Keppel Shipyard’s first project for OSX Brasil S.A. It has been chartered by OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes S.A. for operations in offshore Brazil.
- FPSO Aseng- Capable of processing 80,000 barrels of oil per day and storing 1.7 million barrels of oil, it is Keppel Shipyard and SBM Offshore’s second project.
- FSO Sepat– Delivered to Bumi Armada, ithas a storage capacity of 500,000 barrels of oil. The FSO is supporting PETRONAS Carigali Sdn’s operations in offhore Malaysia.
- FPSO Armada TGT1– Keppel Shipyard and Bumi Armada successfully completed the conversion project in 2011. The vessel is operating in the Te Giac Trang oil field, Vietnam.
- Lewek EMAS– Chartered by Premier Oil Vietnam Offshore B.V., FPSO Lewek EMAS is the second conversion project between Keppel Shipyard and EMAS.
- FPSO Okha– Keppel Shipyard successfully delivered FPSO Okha to SBM Offshore in 2011. The FPSO is presently operating in Australia.
- Maersk Peregrino- Tailored to Maersk FPSOs’ stringent requirements, this FPSO is equipped to operate in the challenging Peregrino field safely and efficiently.
- FPSO Espirito Santo– Converted on time and safely, it is capable of processing 100,000 bopd with a maximum storage capacity of two million barrels of oil.
- BW Pioneer - Converted to strict safety requirements for the US GoM, it achieved over 6 million man-hours without lost time incident in Keppel Shipyard.
- FDPSO Azurite – The world’s first drilling FPSO is equipped for drilling into deepwater oil fields with a production capacity of 60,000 bopd and 18,000 mscfc of gas.
- Golar Spirit – Delivered to GOLAR LNG, this is the world’s first FSRU converted from a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier.
- Golar Freeze - The third FSRU converted by Keppel has a maximum gas send-out capacity of 480 mscfc of regasified LNG per day.
- FPSO P57 - Pre-converted in Keppel Shipyard and completed in Keppel FELS Brasil, P57 demonstrates our near market, near customer strategy.
- FPSO Capixaba - First converted by Keppel Shipyard in a 13-month fast-track project in 2006, the vessel returned for upgrading in 2009.
- Armada Perdana - A fast-track project completed in 18 months, it is capable of processing 45,000 bopd with water and gas injection capabilities included in its topside.
- Lewek Arunothai – Leveraging the synergy of our yards, this vessel was first refurbished at Keppel Subic in the Philippines and converted in Singapore’s Keppel Shipyard.
- Cidade De Sao Mateus - One of the world’s largest Gas FPSOs, it has a gas compression of 10 million cubic metres/day and processing capacity of 35,000 bfpd.
- FPSO P53 - This conversion for Petrobras included the installation of a marine system as well as the fabrication and integration of an internal turret with 75 risers.
- FPSO Polvo - Capable of handling a daily oil production of 90,000 bopd, this is the seventh FPSO converted by Keppel Shipyard for Prosafe.
- FPSO Umuroa - Maximising the effeciency of back to back conversions, Umuroa was delivered in quick succession after FPSO Polvo to Prosafe Production.
- FPSO Alvheim - Converted to meet stringent Norwegian requirements in 2006, this is the first FPSO conversion by Keppel Shipyard for Marathon Petroleum Company.
- FSO Ratu Songkhla - Good teamwork enabled this panamax tanker to be converted into an FSO within six months without any lost-time incident.
Fpso Osx-3
Fpso Mac Os X
The OSX-3 FPSO is located within block BM-C-39 of the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, on the Waikiki Pero Inga fields in 110m water depth. The turret is designed for a combination of 17 risers and 9 umbilicals. The SOFEC turret system is ABS classed. SOFEC designed, constructed and supplied an external cantilevered bow turret system for a 357,000 dwt FPSO vessel.