I've just moved into a new place, it's really nice, near the beach etc, but that brings the downside of nasty salt air to kill my computer equipment. The window in my room is two panes, and both the top and bottom one open.
The problem is that my Power Mac G5 puts out a reasonable amount of heat, and I'd like to have the window open at least a bit so it doesn't get ridiculously hot and stuffy. I'm wondering if having it open at the top only a couple of inches would be as bad as having the bottom of it open? It'd only be open for a few hours a night, while I'm awake and actively using the computer.
For reference, this is the setup:
-- View image here: http://www.virtualwolf.org/images/ars/windowandcomputers.jpg --
The area in red is roughly where the window is actually open.
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Andersen Air Force Base (Andersen AFB, AAFB) (IATA: UAM, ICAO: PGUA, FAA LID: UAM) is a United States Air Force base located primarily within the village of Yigo in the United States territory of Guam.The host unit at Andersen AFB is the 36th Wing (36 WG), assigned to the Pacific Air Forces Eleventh Air Force.As a non-flying wing, the 36 WG's mission is to provide support to deployed air.
Serving West Coast Mac Users We're proud to be celebrating another year in the service of Mac users all around the beautiful Pacific Northwest, the Pacific Coast, and Pacific Southwest. From Vancouver, BC, to Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Honolulu, San Diego, Phoenix, and Tucson home users and businesses alike have put their trust in Mac. We are the Pacific Northwest’s premier adventure vehicle outfitter. Look no further for the best rooftop tents and awnings, portable fridge/freezers, satellite communications and navigation, campsite stoves and kitchens, camp furniture and more.
Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Date of Award
Spring 5-2020
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Science - Environmental Sciences
Environmental Science
First Advisor
Dr. Daniel Unger
Second Advisor
Dr. Kenneth Farrish
Third Advisor
Dr. I-Kuai Hung
Fourth Advisor
Dr. Christopher Sams
Fifth Advisor
Dr. Kevin Stafford
Digital remote sensing and geographic information systems were employed in performing area and volume calculations on glacial landscapes. Characteristics of glaciers from two geographic regions, the Intermountain Region (between the Rocky Mountain and Cascade Ranges) and the Pacific Northwest, were estimated for the years 1985, 2000, and 2015. Glacier National Park was studied for the Intermountain Region whereas Mount Rainier National Park was representative of the glaciers in the Pacific Northwest. Within the thirty year period of the study, the glaciers in Glacier National Park decreased in area by 27.5 percent while those on Mount Rainier only decreased by 5.7 percent. The differences in these percentages can be attributed to the warmer temperatures of the Intermountain Region coupled with lower amounts of snowfall when compared to the Pacific Northwest. Volume loss calculations were also performed, but digital remote sensing and GIS were less successful at estimating this glacial parameter.
Repository Citation
Clark, Brianna, 'Applications of Digital Remote Sensing to Quantify Glacier Change in Glacier and Mount Rainier National Parks' (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 311.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
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Databases and Information Systems Commons, Environmental Monitoring Commons, Geology Commons, Glaciology Commons, Natural Resources and Conservation Commons, Other Computer Sciences Commons, Other Environmental Sciences Commons, Sustainability Commons
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